Whole School Assemblies

Special Mentions 6th July 2021

Special Mentions 29th June 2021

Special Mentions 15th June 2021

Special Mentions - 22nd June 2021

Special Mentions 8th June 2021

Summer 1 Week 7 - Special Mentions

Summer 1 Week 6 - Special Mentions

Summer 1 Week 5 - Special Mentions

Our School Community

This week in assembly, we are learning about our school community and how we play an important part of this.


In this week's assembly, we will be thinking about how we can be a good friend and why friendships are important to us.

Summer 1 Week 3 - Special Mentions Assembly

Relationships - Belonging to my family 26.04.2021

In our assembly this week, Mrs Peart talks about the four things that every family does - they love, protect, provide and care for each other.

Summer 1 Week 2 - Special Mentions

Summer 1 Week 1 - Special Mentions

Summer 1 Week 1 - Relationships Assembly

In our assembly this week, we begin to learn about Relationships and what this means.

Easter with Reverend Karen

Spring 2 Week 4 - Special Mentions

Spring 2 Week 3 - Captain Tom Moore

As part of our theme learning about health and happiness, Mrs Peart reads the story about the life of Captain Tom Moore.

Express Yourselves Assembly - 1st February

This week we are thinking about looking after our mental health - and why expressing ourselves is good for our mental health. Make sure to complete the PSHE activity and share your 'dress to express' work in your Zoom call.

Spring 1 Week 3 - Dreams & Goals - Reverend Karen

Reverend Karen shares a story with us to help us to think about our dreams and goals - whether big or small.

Autumn 2 Week 7 - Special Mentions

Mrs Peart is celebrating lots of things in today's Special Mentions - we have a Special Mention for a child in Classes 1-5 as well as lots of awards! Well done everyone on an amazing first term back at school!

Learning about the celebration of Christmas with Reverend Karen

Normally at this time of year, we go and visit St Cuthbert's church and we retell the Nativity story. Reverend Karen helps us to do that in our assembly today. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, this is a special time of year where we can all spread happiness by being kind to one another.

Autumn 2 Week 6 - Paddington's Postcard - Indonesia

Come on an exciting adventure with Mrs Peart as Paddington helps us to find out about Indonesia!

Autumn 2 Week 5 - Advent

Learn all about the Christian celebration of Advent.

Autumn 2 Week 4 - Reading for Pleasure

Sit down and enjoy this special story time from Andy (from Andy & the Odd Socks). We are working on reading for pleasure in school at the moment and we will be working with different people over the year (some who are famous!) who will be reading stories for us.

Autumn 2 Week 4 - Paddington's Postcard - Indonesia

Come on an exciting adventure with Mrs Peart as Paddington helps us to find out about Brazil!

Autumn 2 Week 3 - Special Mentions

This week we are celebrating Special Mentions, awards, golden time and the raffle ticket winner. Well done everyone for working so hard!

Autumn 2 Week 2 - Remembrance

In assembly this week we are learning all about Remembrance. What does this mean and what do we remember?

Autumn 2 Week 1 - Celebrating Difference

In assembly this week we are learning all about celebrating how we are all different. Mrs Peart shares some of the things that make her different to others and we discuss why this is important.

Autumn 1 Week 8 - Determinator

In assembly this week we are learning all about the Determinator and how he helps us to work hard and not give up - even when things are challenging.

Autumn 1 Week 7 - Respecto

In assembly this week we are learning all about Respecto and how he helps us to look after property and be respectful to one another.

Autumn 1 Week 6 - Communication Crusader

In assembly this week we are learning all about the Communication Crusader and how he helps us with our communication skills.

Autumn 1 Week 5 - Honesty Hunter

In assembly this week we are learning all about the Honesty Hunter and how he helps us to tell the truth and not cover up lies.

Autumn 1 Week 4 - Gentle Guardian

In assembly this week we are learning all about the Gentle Guardian and how he helps us to be gentle and not hurt one another.

Autumn 1 Week 3 - Captain Kindness

In assembly this week we are learning all about Captain Kindness and how he helps us to be kind and helpful.

Autumn 1 Week 2 - Introduction to Golden Rules & Sitwell Superheroes

In assembly this week we are learning all about our six Golden Rules and the Sitwell Superheroes who help us to be the best we can be!